Create taxonomy nodes by specifying a single node or a node path.

The taxonomy endpoint allows you to create:

  • a single taxonomy node, or
  • all taxonomy nodes in a taxonomy node path.

Create a single taxonomy node by sending as a request payload:

  • The taxonomy node name as a string. E.g., `"this is a name"`.
  • A `TaxonomyNodeAPISchema` object.

Taxonomy node names: Taxonomy node names must be unique for their parents.

Create all the nodes along a taxonomy node
path by sending a list of taxonomy nodes
in these formats:

  • A list of taxonomy node names. The first string in the list must be the name of a root node.
    For example:
    ["root node name", "parent node name", "child node name"]
  • A list of taxonomy node URLs. To refer to a node by URL, it must already exist.
    For example:
  • A list of taxonomy node IDs. To refer to a node by ID, it must already exist.
    For example:
    [4, 9]
  • A list of `TaxonomyNodeAPISchema` objects. If you specify an ID for a node, it must already exist.
    For example:
        "id": 4,
        "name": "a parent node name",
        "description": "a description"
        "id": 9,
        "name": "a child node name",
        "description": "a description"
  • A mix of types.
    For example:
        "name": "a child node name",
        "description": "a description"

When sending a list of taxonomy nodes,
the first item in the list must be one of these:

  • A root node: A root node is a top-level taxonomy node that has no parent nodes.
  • An existing parent node: You must specify an existing parent node by ID, URL, or as a `TaxonomyNodeAPISchema` object with a specific `"id"`.

Required permissions

  • modify taxonomies
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