Get a list of workspaces.

Workspaces have three levels of access:

  • Unlisted workspace: is_public=False

    Only collaborators can see and modify this workspace.

  • Listed workspace: is_public=True

    This workspace has its public attributes
    (public description, "pinned" objects) visible to all users
    who have at least read workspaces permissions.
    Only collaborators can see the full workspace and modify it.

  • Public workspace: is_shared_with_all=True

    This is only set to True for the "Default public workspace",
    which is fully visible and can be modified by users who have
    at least read workspaces permissions.

Required permissions

  • read workspaces

Optional permissions

  • read intel-sets To read datasets attached to the workspaces

  • read entities To read entities pinned to the workspaces

  • read tasks To read discovery tasks associated to the workspaces

  • read discovery-rules To read discovery tasks associated to the workspaces

  • read tickets To read tickets attached to the workspaces

  • read users To read workspace collaborators

  • read groups To read workspace collaborator groups

  • read files To read workspace files

  • read workspace-comments To read workspace comments

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